Please click the button reads the following and "It register after agreement", and move on.
Announcement to Seismic Data Users
National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience (NIED)
has been providing various kinds of seismic data observed by K-NET, KiK-net, F-net and Hi-net,
in accordance with the plan of "Fundamental Survey and Observation for Earthquake Research"
established by the "Headquarter for Earthquake Research Promotion" in Japan.
These seismic data have been available for public users through NIED webpage.
According to the concrete plan for mutual exchange of short-period (high-sensitivity)
seismic network data between NIED, Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) and Universities,
arranged by the "Headquarter for Earthquake Research Promotion",
these data will be also available through NIED web site recently.
Users who wish to get any waveform data are required to follow the next instruction.
This procedure is very important to evaluate the efficiency of our seismic observation data.
Before accessing our waveform data,
you need to register and get your own ID and password.
User information and data access statistics will be only used for the improvement of
the data service and the sustenance of the seismic networks.
When users only browse images on the website, the registration is not required.
Users are required to report the results of research which uses these data fully or
partially to us by sending the reprints of paper and/or detailed working reports.
The name of organization(s) that produced the data should be acknowledged in your paper and/or report.
If your results are not publishable due to commercial secrecy or other reasons, please send us
a report explaining the reason and describing the preliminary result in as much detail as possible.
Users are strictly prohibited to create and re-distribute any duplication.
All rights are reserved by National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience (NIED)
for any documents and files served from NIED website.
Privacy Policy
- NIED is committed to safeguarding your privacy while providing a high quality of service.
Any information that could be used to identify individuals that is acquired through the NIED website
will be stored, used, or analyzed within the scope of NIED's activities.
NIED reserves the right to use such identifying information and other materials in
accordance with the provisions of this privacy policy.
- NIED will treat your personal information as confidential and your details will not be given or sold to anyone.
NIED takes measures that are necessary to prevent the leakage, loss, or destruction of acquired
information and to otherwise properly manage such information.
When you provide NIED with personal information, for example
when using any Request Form - we will take steps to ensure that your information is treated securely.
All collected data will remain secured on a password protected database,
only accessible to authorized staff members of NIED.
Any disclosures will be limited to the cases stipulated below and will be accompanied by a notification
of the names and contact numbers of the parties to whom the information is provided.
- Note: This privacy policy only covers the website at
Other links within this site to other websites
are not covered by this policy.
Once you have accessed another website via a link, you will be subject to
the security and privacy policy of that site.
- Limitations on Use and Provision
NIED will not willfully provide information to third parties that can be
used to identify individuals, with the following three exceptions:
- In cases of legally mandated disclosure requests
- In cases where the provider of the information grants permission
for its disclosure to a third party
- In cases where NIED commissions a party to process the information collected.
The information provided will be within the scope necessary for the execution of the commissioned tasks.
- Contact
Independent Administrative Institution National Research Institute for Earth
Science and Disaster Resilience,
Strategic Planning Department, Outreach Division
3-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-0006 JAPAN
Tel: +81-29-851-1611 Fax: +81-29-851-3246
The information on our website is possibly modified without notice.
The institute and the staffs are not responsible at all to those who are sustained a loss by
the contents and/or data by those modification.